Introduction of biology class 11 chapter number 1

 Q.1 What is biology?

Ans. Biology is one of the natural sciences, which deal's with the study of living organisms. It is known as study of life. The word biology is derived from Greek word Bios means life and Logos means study or knowledge.

Introduction of biology class 11 chapter number 1

Fromarly living organisms were classified into two kingdoms:

(1) Plant Kingdom:In this Kingdom plant were included.The study of plants is called Botany.

(2) Animal kingdom: in this Kingdom animals were included.The study of animals is known as Zoology.

Q.2 Write a note on Five kingdoms Classification:

Ans. According to the modern research the old system of classification has been discarded.Now all the living organisms are classified into five kingdoms.This system was proposed by Robert Whittaker in 1969. This system was then modified by two American biologist l.mergulis and K.Schwartz.

(1) Kingdom- Monera:This kingdom Includes all the prokaryotes.These are simple living organisms which do not contain complete nucleus in their cells.e.g.Bule green algae, Bacteria.

(ii) Kingdom-Protctista (protista):This kingdom Includes three kinds of living organisms: 

(a) Animal like: Unicellular Protozoan organisms like Amoeba, Euglena.

(b) plant like: Algae-simple water living organisms, contain chlorophyll.

(c) Fungi like: Slime mold,water mold.

(iii) Kingdom-Fungi:This kingdom Includes multicellular,non-green thallophytes i.e have very simple body, called mycelium.They have cell wall, their body may be coenocytic (multinucleate).Due to the absence of chlorophyll the can not manufacture their own food material,so they are either parasite or saprophytes.e.g Agaricus (Mushrooms),Yeast etc.

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